Top BBA Entrance Exams Eligibility Criteria and Selection

With most of the BBA exams scheduled in April and May, BBACollegesIndia brings student top 5 BBA exam pattern and their relational selection procedure.

Top BBA Entrance

According to the written exam method for admission year 2024, most of the

BBA Entrance Exams
BBA Entrance Exams

BBA exams test student on basic knowledge on

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • General English
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • General Awareness

Top BBA entrance exam like

  • CET for DU-BMS
  • SET -General for Symbiosis BBA
  • Aptitude Test (AT) for 5- yr IPM at IIM-Indore

are among the top exams for management programmes at undergraduate level or 12th pass out students.

Top BBA Entrance Exams Eligibility final selection at these BBA colleges India

  • DU colleges
  • Symbiosis Institutes
  • IIM-Indore

give weightage to other factors that may include Personal Interview and class 12th results, admission to

  • GGS-IPU colleges

BBA Entrance Exams Eligibility is based on merit list prepared on the basis of written exam performance.

The marking scheme for all the five exams except SET-Symbiosis carries negative marks for incorrect answers. SET for Symbiosis BBA does not penalize student for wrong answers.

The table below brings you details on top BBA exams and their respective Selection Process, Exam Pattern and Marking scheme.

Selection Process BBA Exam, Selection process, Eligibility, Written Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme for Written test

ExamSelection processEligibilityWritten Exam PatternMarking Scheme for Written test

CET for
Written Exam-50%;
XII Result-30%;
PI-20 %
60% in 4 papers
including English
and three other subjects*
Total No of Question: 100
Test Duration:120
Sections: Quantitative Ability; Reasoning and Analytical Ability; General English; Business and General Awareness
+3 for correct answer


-1 for wrong answer

Written Exam only10+2 Appeared/
Cleared in 1st
50% aggregate;
60% in
Total No of Question: 150
Test Duration:120 min
Sections: Proficiency in English Language- 50;
Quantitative & Numerical Ability-50; Reasoning & General Intelligence- 50

Full marks for correct answer


– 1/4th of the marks allotted to that question for wrong answer

Aptitude Test (AT) for 5- yr IPM at IIM-Indore
Written Exam-60%;
10+2 Appeared/
Cleared; 60% in X
& XII or SAT(1)
Score of 1600/2400
Age not > 20 yr on
30 June
Total No of Question: 100
Total Duration:120 min
Sections: English- 40; Quantitative Aptitude- 60

4 for correct answer


-1 for wrong answer

CET for
Written Exam only10+2
50% aggregate &
Pass in Eng
Total No of Question: 150
Test Duration:150 min
Sections: English Language & Comprehension (25%); General Awareness-(25%);
Logical and Analytical Ability (25%); Aptitude relating to the field of Management and for Communication Skills-(25%).

+4 for correct answer


-1 for wrong answer

What is the selection criteria for BBA?

You need to have earned at least 50–60% of your possible points in your 10+2 exam from an accredited board. Applications for BBA admissions are accepted from candidates in all streams. Even if you are waiting on your class 12 results, you can still apply.

Which entrance exam is best for BBA?

The most popular BBA admission exams in India include JIPMAT, IPMAT, DU JAT/CUET, GGSIPU CET BBA, NPAT BBA, SET BBA, and IIM IPM Aptitude Test. These tests are similar to keys that open doors to renowned BBA programs in India, including those offered by Delhi University, IIMs, NMIMS, IIFT, Symbiosis, and other institutions.

What is the entrance marks for BBA?

The cutoff often falls between 65 and 70 points out of 100.

Does 12th marks matter in BBA?

Education requirements: Candidates for a BBA degree must have completed their class 12 coursework in any subject from an accredited board, such as the CBSE, ICSE, or any state board, in subjects like science, math, commerce, or the arts. Scores: Candidates for the BBA program must have a minimum of a 50% class 12 score.

Can I pursue a BBA without earning a 12th grade diploma?

Candidates must ensure they have finished Class 12 in any stream in order to be eligible for BBA courses. The majority of universities base their admission to BBA programs on Class 12 scores; however, some also accept applications based on CUET, IPU CET, UGPET, UGAT, and other tests.

Do employers look up 12th grades?

Indeed, practically all companies only hire pupils who receive at least a 55% grade in both their 10th and 12th grades. A few large MNCs require 60 or 70 percent in these two courses.

Can I complete my BBA at a 45 percentile?

Absolutely, a number of universities admit applicants with at least a 40% 10+2 score.

Top BBA Entrance Exams Eligibility Criteria and Selection

With most of the BBA exams scheduled in April and May, BBACollegesIndia brings student top 5 BBA exam pattern and their relational selection procedure. Top BBA Entrance According to the written exam method for admission year 2024, most of the BBA exams test student on basic knowledge on Top BBA entrance exam like are among

Details for Find Top Bba Entrance Exams In India Universities & Colleges in India

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